Wednesday, February 12, 2025
HomeProductsADO.NET Data ProvidersEntity Framework and IdeaBlade

Entity Framework and IdeaBlade

Our active user, Simon Kingaby, in his own blog has described experience of the web-based enterprise applications development by help of the following technologies: Devart dotConnect for Oracle, Entity Developer, Oracle 11 Database, Entity Framework, IdeaBlade DevForce, Microsoft Silverlight 3, Prism 2, and Unity.

You can view these articles by the following links:
IdeaBlade DevForce – Model Setup Walk-through – Background
IdeaBlade DevForce – Model Setup Walk-through – Step 1: The Entity Framework Project

Because of the increasing popularity of IdeaBlade among our users we plan to consider ways to improve its support. At first, we will implement a complete support of the custom attributes. Currently the serialization/deserialization of the conceptual model elements is provided only for part of them. Serialization of the conceptual model elements will be supported completely and EntityDeveloper will show and edit them in the next versions.

These changes will be useful for the users of the third-party tools which save additional information to the XML model as custom attributes. Also it will be useful for users who want to customize code generation – they can use attribute values in the code generation templates.



  1. I am the VP of Technology at IdeaBlade. We are grateful to the community and to Devart for their interest and support. We are working with Devart to make the modeling experience as seamless and productive as possible.

  2. I am very interested is using both DevArt sqllite connector and IdeaBlade. Any update on the compatibility of these two products?

  3. We plan to investigate and improve the compatibility of dotConnect products with IdeaBlade as we mentioned in the article. But there is no timeframe at the moment.

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