Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeIndustry Insights

Industry Insights

Choosing the Best PostgreSQL ORM Solutions for .NET

This comprehensive guide explores the top PostgreSQL ORM in .NET to optimize your database interactions, streamline application development and boost productivity.

Database Testing – Unveiling the Latest Best Practices and Innovations in 2024

Databases are invaluable for any application that relies on them. Thus, database testing is a critical aspect of ensuring optimal database performance. This article will delve into various types of database testing, methodologies, and practical applications.

TOP 10 IDEs for SQL Database Management & Administration [2024]

IDEs are comprehensive software products equipped with specialized tools for software development. This article explores the most popular and powerful database-related IDEs, their functionality, advantages, pricing models, and other crucial factors.

How to Bulk Edit Shopify Product Data in Excel

Discover how to efficiently manage your Shopify inventory by bulk editing product names, descriptions, meta fields, and tags in Excel using Excel Add-in. Save time and boost productivity!

Advanced Index Rebuild and Maintenance Strategies for SQL Server

In this article, let us dive into the intricacies of index maintenance strategies, explore index fragmentation and its impact on database efficiency, discuss rebuilding and reorganizing indexes, and talk about automating index maintenance.

How to Use the CREATE SEQUENCE Statement in Oracle

This article navigates the intricacies of the Oracle CREATE SEQUENCE statement, delving into its syntax, usage, and examples, all illuminated by the guiding presence of dbForge Studio for Oracle. Join us in this insightful exploration where the art of sequence creation meets the efficiency of database management.

How to Connect to SQL Server in Java

In today's data-centric era, the ability to establish effective connections to databases is crucial for any Java developer. SQL Server stands as one of the most popular database management systems, powering numerous enterprise applications worldwide. For Java developers, mastering the skill of seamlessly connecting to SQL Server isn't just an advantage—it's absolutely essential.

Instant File Initialization – Killer Feature for SQL Server

Instant file initialization (IFI) is a feature in SQL Server that can help the users to save time and resources when creating, expanding, and recovering databases. In this article, we’ll examine the benefits of instant file initialization along with potential drawbacks, and learn how to enable and disable this feature.

How to Backup and Restore a PostgreSQL Database

This article contains a comprehensive guide on backing up and restoring data and schema using a command-line tool and a user-friendly GUI tool — dbForge Studio for PostgreSQL. Here, you will discover carefully selected theoretical material designed to broaden your knowledge on the subject, complemented by practical examples to provide you with a hands-on learning experience.

Working with Data Transfer Objects in ASP.NET Core 

In this article, we’ll connect to PostgreSQL using dotConnect for PostgreSQL  which is high performance and enhanced data provider for PostgreSQL that is built on top of ADO.NET and can work on both connected and disconnected modes.


