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HomeProductsSQL Server ToolsIs UNPIVOT the Best Way for Converting Columns into Rows?

Is UNPIVOT the Best Way for Converting Columns into Rows?

To start, let’s give definitions and highlight the difference between PIVOT and UNPIVOT operators in SQL Server.

The PIVOT and UNPIVOT relational operators are used to change a table-valued expression into another table and involve data rotation. Let’s start with the first operator.

We use PIVOT when there is a need to convert table rows into columns. It also enables us to perform aggregations, wherever required, for column values that are expected in the final output. Let’s take this table as an example:

The example table with two columns and six rows

If we pivot it by the first column ‘screen’, we will get the following result:

The resulting pivot table with 6 columns and two rows

To achieve this result in SQL Server, you need to run the following script:

SELECT [avg_], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15] 
  SELECT 'average price' AS 'avg_', screen, price FROM laptops) x
  PIVOT (AVG(price) FOR screen IN([11], [12], [13], [14], [15])
) pvt;

In order to reverse a PIVOT operator, that is, to convert data from column-level back to row-level and get the original table, you can use the UNPIVOT operator. Nevertheless, note that UNPIVOT is not a complete opposite of the PIVOT function. It is only possible if the pivoted table doesn’t contain aggregated data.

PIVOT aggregates data and can merge a bunch of rows into a single row. UNPIVOT doesn’t reproduce the initial table-valued expression result since rows have been merged. Apart from that, null values in the input of UNPIVOT disappear in the output. When the values disappear, it shows that there may have been original null values in the input before the PIVOT operation.

Speaking of the PIVOT operator, dbForge Studio for SQL Server provides a useful function named a pivot table. To clarify, this is a data analysis tool that converts large amounts of data into concise and informative summaries. It enables us to easily rearrange and pivot data to get the layout best for understanding the data relations and dependencies. The greatest advantage of this feature is that it simplifies the aggregation process and the statistical information count. Also, the obtained report can be printed out, exported to various document formats, and e-mailed in the required format.

The Pivot Table functionality within dbForge Studio for SQL Server

Now, let’s talk more about different implementations of T-SQL UNPIVOT transformations.

Let’s assume we have an aggregated table that contains data about the results of the games played by each player. We have a task to convert columns into rows.

IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.Players') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE dbo.Players;
CREATE TABLE dbo.Players
      PlayerID INT
    , Win INT
    , Defeat INT
    , StandOff INT
INSERT INTO dbo.Players (PlayerID, Win, Defeat, StandOff)
    (1, 7,  6,  9),
    (2, 12, 5,  0),
    (3, 3,  11, 1);

There are several ways to accomplish this task, so let’s take a look at the execution plans of each of the suggested below implementations. For this, we will use SQL Profiler available in dbForge Studio for SQL Server.

To receive execution plans automatically each time the query is executed, we need to switch to the profiling mode:

Query Profiling mode

It’s also possible to get the query plan without starting its execution. For this, you need to run the Generate Execution Plan command.

Let’s Start!

SQL Query profiler


Previously, SQL Server did not offer an efficient way to convert columns into rows. Because of that many users opted for multiple reading from the same table with a different set of columns united through the UNION ALL statements:

SELECT PlayerID, GameCount = Win, GameType = 'Win'
FROM dbo.Players
SELECT PlayerID, Defeat, 'Defeat'
FROM dbo.Players
SELECT PlayerID, StandOff, 'StandOff'
FROM dbo.Players

The crucial weakness of this practice is multiple data reading. This happens because UNION ALL will scan the rows once for every subquery, which considerably decreases the efficiency of the query execution.

It is obvious when we look at the execution plan of the following query:

Query execution plan


One of the fastest ways to convert columns into rows is definitely to use the UNPIVOT operator, which was introduced in SQL Server in 2005. Let’s simplify the previous query with this SQL UNPIVOT syntax:

SELECT PlayerID, GameCount, GameType
FROM dbo.Players
    GameCount FOR GameType IN (
        Win, Defeat, StandOff
) unpvt

As a result of the query execution, we get the following execution plan:

The execution plan of the UNPIVOT command

Additionally, to learn how to convert columns to rows in SQL with the UNPIVOT functionality, feel free to watch this video.


One more point to consider is the possibility to accomplish the given task, which is to convert columns into rows, with the VALUES statement.

The query which uses the VALUES statement will look like this:

FROM dbo.Players
          (PlayerID, Win,      'Win')
        , (PlayerID, Defeat,   'Defeat')
        , (PlayerID, StandOff, 'StandOff')
) t(PlayerID, GameCount, GameType)

Moreover, the execution plan will be simpler, comparing to UNPIVOT:

The execution plan of the VALUES statement

4. Dynamic SQL

Using the dynamic SQL allows creating a general-purpose query for any table on the condition that columns not included in the primary key have a compatible data-type between them:

SELECT @table_name = 'dbo.Players'
FROM ' + @table_name + '
    value FOR code IN (
        ' + STUFF((
    SELECT ', [' + + ']'
    FROM sys.columns c WITH(NOLOCK)
        SELECT i.[object_id], i.column_id
        FROM sys.index_columns i WITH(NOLOCK)
        WHERE i.index_id = 1
    ) i ON c.[object_id] = i.[object_id] AND c.column_id = i.column_id
    WHERE c.[object_id] = OBJECT_ID(@table_name)
        AND i.[object_id] IS NULL
    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, '') + '
) unpiv'
EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQL
The execution plan of dynamic UNPIVOT

And the result is the following query:

FROM <table_name>
    value FOR code IN (<unpivot_column>)
) unpiv

This method is not as fast because the automatic generation of the UNPIVOT query requires an additional reading from the system views and rows concatenation via the XML trick.

5. XML

A smarter way to execute dynamic UNPIVOT is by doing a little trick with XML:

    , GameCount = t.c.value('.', 'INT')
    , GameType = t.c.value('local-name(.)', 'VARCHAR(10)')
        , [XML] = (
                SELECT Win, Defeat, StandOff
                FOR XML RAW('f'), TYPE
    FROM dbo.Players
) p
CROSS APPLY p.[XML].nodes('f/@*') t(c)

In the query above, for each row SQL Server has generated a specified XML:

< f Column1="Value1" Column2="Value2" Column3="Value3" ... />

Afterwards, the name of the attribute and its value are parsed. In most cases, the use of XML results in a slower execution plan. In our case, that is the price we pay for it to be universal.

The execution plan of the query with a specified XML

Let’s compare the results by executing the Compare Selected Results command:

Comparing query profiling results

We have to say that there is no obvious difference in the speed of execution of the UNPIVOT and VALUES queries. This is valid for the cases when a simple transformation of columns into rows takes place.

Let’s examine another task, where we need to find the most frequent outcome of the game for each player.

We’ll try to do this task with the help of the UNPIVOT statement:

    , GameType = (
        SELECT TOP 1 GameType
        FROM dbo.Players
        UNPIVOT (
            GameCount FOR GameType IN (
                Win, Defeat, StandOff
        ) unpvt
        WHERE PlayerID = p.PlayerID
        ORDER BY GameCount DESC
FROM dbo.Players p

In the execution plan it shows that the bottleneck is the multiple data reading and sorting, which is necessary for organizing the data rows:

Multiple reading of data causes time loss

It’s easy to get rid of the multiple data reading if we remember that columns from the external query block can be used:

    , GameType = (
        SELECT TOP 1 GameType
        FROM (SELECT t = 1) t
        UNPIVOT (
            GameCount FOR GameType IN (
                Win, Defeat, StandOff
        ) unpvt
        ORDER BY GameCount DESC
FROM dbo.Players p

Multiple reading of data was eliminated, but the most resource-consuming operation – sorting is still there:

Data sorting displayed in the execution plan

And that is how the VALUES statement behaves during this task:

    , GameType = (
            SELECT TOP 1 GameType
            FROM (
                      (Win,  'Win')
                    , (Defeat,   'Defeat')
                    , (StandOff, 'StandOff')
            ) t (GameCount, GameType)
            ORDER BY GameCount DESC
FROM dbo.Players t

As we’ve expected the plan was simplified, however sorting is still present:

The execution plan of the VALUES statement with sorting

Let’s try to avoid sorting by using the aggregation function:

    , GameType = (
            SELECT TOP 1 GameType
            FROM (
                      (Win,  'Win')
                    , (Defeat,   'Defeat')
                    , (StandOff, 'StandOff')
            ) t (GameCount, GameType)
            WHERE GameCount = (
                SELECT MAX(Value)
                FROM (
                    VALUES (Win), (Defeat), (StandOff)
                ) t(Value)
FROM dbo.Players t

Now the execution plan looks like this:

The execution plan with the aggregation function

Hurrah! We have managed to get rid of sorting.


When we need to carry out a simple conversion of columns into rows in SQL Server, it is better to use UNPIVOT or VALUES structures.

If, after the conversion, the received data rows should be used for aggregation or sorting, then we had better use the VALUES structure, which, in most cases, results in more efficient execution plans.

For the tables where different structure types might occur, and the number of columns is unrestricted, it is recommended to use XML, which, unlike the dynamic SQL, can be used inside the table functions.

A step-by-step analysis of the execution plan with the help of SQL Profiler in dbForge Studio for SQL Server allows detecting bottlenecks in the query’s performance.



  1. Please help me with the below query, I want column_Name to be displayed in rows and and Table_Name and database are grouped as all the column for a table will be displayed in single row:

    IF OBJECT_ID(‘Tempdb.dbo.#temptbl’, ‘u’) IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #temptbl

    Create Table #tempTbl
    Database_Name nvarchar(100),
    Table_Name nvarchar(100),
    Column_Name nvarchar(100)

    Insert Into #tempTbl
    Select DB_Name() , sys.schemas.NAME + ‘.’ + sys.tables.NAME, FROM sys.tables
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas ON sys.tables.schema_id = sys.schemas.schema_id
    Inner Join sys.columns On sys.tables.object_id = sys.columns.object_id

    Select * from #tempTbl

  2. I’m having a Table called Test_Pivot which looks like
    F_SN F_Title F_Data
    1001 TRX RRN 301807460001.00
    1001 DATE TIME 18:07 ,30/04/2015
    1001 AUTH CODE
    1001 AMOUNT 0.22
    1011 TRX RRN 301920050002.00
    1011 DATE TIME 19:20 ,30/04/2015
    1011 AUTH CODE
    1011 AMOUNT 0.01

    The output should look like this:

    301807460001.00 18:07 ,30/04/2015 0.22 SPAN DECLINED
    301920050002.00 19:20 ,30/04/2015 0.01 MASTERCARD DECLINED

    • Hi Kai, you mean spills into tempdb? If yes, in this case we have identical functionality as in SSMS. In future it’s planned to expand this functionality.

  3. I tried 2 differents way with using UNPIVOT and CROSS APPLY with VALUES and my results on 41,894,370 of rows is UNPIVOT is better but not very much
    Using UNPIVOT 31:38 minutes
    Using CROSS APPLY with VALUES 33:26 minutes
    CROSS APPLY spent 3 minutes more than UNPIVOT
    My SQL is : Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise (64-bit) version : 11.0.5532.0

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