Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeProductsSQL Server ToolsMeet SQL Tools v6.0 with Massive Updates

Meet SQL Tools v6.0 with Massive Updates

We are delighted to inform our dbForge for SQL Server users that we have just released the hugely updated pack of our SQL Server tools, dbForge SQL Tools, v.6.0. Take a sneak peek of new features and improvements introduced in this release!

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dbForge Schema Compare v5.1

Redesigned Progress Window for Schema Comparison and Synchronization

The updated dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server features drastically redesigned progress schema comparison and synchronization windows with the sequential list of processes taking place and specification of time elapsed.

In-place SQL Formatting Option for the Text Compare Control

The new option allows formatting database object scripts right in Text Compare.

Pre/Post-scripts execution tab in Schema Synchronization Wizard

Schema Synchronization Wizard now includes the Additional Scripts tab that can be used to add additional scripts executed before and/or after data synchronization. You can either import the necessary scripts or enter them directly in Schema Synchronization Wizard.

Append Timestamp to the File Name option in Schema Synchronization Wizard

The Append timestamp to the file name option has been added to the Output tab of Schema Synchronization Wizard. When enabled, the option adds date and time to the generated schema sync script file.

Formatting Profiles Added

The tool includes the span-new formatting profiles that let you tune your SQL code like never before. Now you can not only format your code exactly as you want but also switch quickly to an alternative style or apply formatting specifically to certain parts of your SQL script if required.

Options Search

The Options Window has been improved with the Search box for instant navigation to an option you need to configure at the moment.

Ignore History Tables Option

The option allows ignoring properties of history tables during comparison and synchronization.

Integration into MS SSMS v18.9

Azure SQL Managed Instance Connectivity Support

dbForge Data Compare v5.1

Redesigned Progress window for Data Comparison and Synchronization

Exclude Newly Added Objects Option in Data Compare Wizard

When this newly added option is enabled, dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server deploys only those tables and views that are explicitly included in the saved comparison project (*.dcomp). This allows you to make sure that those objects that were added to a database after the comparison project had been created will not get into synchronization.

Tolerance Interval Option in Data Compare Wizard

The option allows specifying the module of difference between the values of source and target. If it does not exceed the specified value, the values are considered equivalent.

Pre/Post-scripts Execution Tab in Data Synchronization Wizard

New Formatting Profiles

Options Search

Integration into MS SSMS v18.9

Azure SQL Managed Instance Connectivity Support

dbForge Data Generator v4.3

Redesigned Progress Window for Data Generation

New Formatting Profiles

Options Search

Integration into MS SSMS v18.9

Azure SQL Managed Instance Connectivity Support

dbForge Query Builder v3.16

New Formatting Profiles

Options Search

Data Export to CSV

dbForge Query Builder for SQL Server now includes an option to export the Query Execution History to a .csv file.

Azure SQL Managed Instance Connectivity Support

dbForge Documenter v1.5

Auto-line-break of long headings

In the updated dbForge Documenter for SQL Server, the Auto-line-break of Long Headings improvement is introduced. The improvement makes the whole name of the document displayed and hence gives you more clarity when working with the database documentation.

New Formatting Profiles

Options Search

Integration into MS SSMS v18.9

Azure SQL Managed Instance Connectivity Support

dbForge Source Control v2.3

Redesigned Data Diff Control

Viewing of exact data differences has become more smooth and clear In dbForge Source Control v2.3: tabs of the grid became more informative with more crisp data differences highlighting.

Redesigned Objects Text Diff Control

The coloring model of diffs highlighting simplifies and speeds up the whole schema comparison process.

Integration into MS SSMS v18.9

Azure SQL Managed Instance Connectivity Support

dbForge SQL Complete v6.8


The WITH INLINE construct is prompted in the completion list for CREATE OR ALTER FUNCTION.


The function is prompted in the completion list and is available in the Parameter information.


ALLOW_BATCH_MODE is listed in the OPTION ( USE HINT ( ->  hint list.

Integration into MS SSMS v18.9

Azure SQL Managed Instance Connectivity Support

dbForge Unit Test v1.6

Integration into MS SSMS v18.9

Azure SQL Managed Instance Connectivity Support

Integration into MS SSMS v18.9

Azure SQL Managed Instance Connectivity Support

Now Search can be invoked via the shortcut menu in the SSMS Object Explorer

dbForge Index Manager v1.11

Integration into MS SSMS v18.9

Azure SQL Managed Instance Connectivity Support

dbForge Monitor v1.3

Integration into MS SSMS v18.9

Azure SQL Managed Instance Connectivity Support

dbForge Data Pump v1.6

Data Export/Import to Google Sheets

The updated dbForge Data Pump allows you to easily migrate table data between your SQL tables and Google Spreadsheets. All you need to do is to specify the URL/ID of your Google Spreadsheets table, and our handy Data Export Wizard and Data Import Wizard will do the rest of the work for you!

Information about the Export Format is Added to the Data Export Wizard Header

Output Settings Tab is Added to Data Export Wizard

Integration into MS SSMS v18.9

Azure SQL Managed Instance Connectivity Support

dbForge DevOps Automation v1.1

dbForge DevOps Automation PowerShell features the following new cmdlets:

Class Register-DevartTools

Class Unregister-DevartTools

The cmdlet helps to deactivate any of the tools included in SQL Tools.


Download the new version of dbForge SQL Tools and share your thoughts about the product. Your feedback helps us find the right direction with future updates and improve the tools according to the needs of our users.




