Sunday, September 29, 2024
HomeIndustry Insights

Industry Insights

Recovering Accidentally Deleted Data with dbForge Transaction Log

Read on about how to recover deleted files using redo and undo scripts generated with the help of dbForge Transaction Log. In addition, the article covers some basics of ACID properties in transactions and best practices for rollback operations.

How to Export and Import SQL Server Database Data to a SQL Script

Data migration is a common challenge in the field of database development, management, and administration. This guide will illustrate the process of exporting database data to a .sql file and subsequently importing it into the target database.

SQL Server Index Fragmentation In-depth

In this article, we will drill down into the SQL Server index fragmentation issue and how to tackle it. We will figure out why index fragmentation is a problem and how it affects overall performance and discuss how to detect and avoid it.


