Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeProductsSQL Server ToolsEnsuring Quality of dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server, v 2.0

Ensuring Quality of dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server, v 2.0

The most important characteristic of any software is its quality. The quality, according to the model specified in the ISO 9126 standard, consists of the following characteristics:

  • Functionality
  • Reliability
  • Ease of use
  • Efficiency
  • Maintenance
  • Portability

Of course users are not concerned about any quality models and just tell us their suggestions and wishes. It’s these suggestions and wishes that are the most preferred description of any quality characteristic.

Below we give the list of main aspects we paid special attention to when developing dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server in order to deliver software of the highest quality to our users.

  • Dependencies. One of the key difficulties during object synchronization is caused by dependencies between objects and inside them. These dependencies are built basing on the information received from the server, but frequently there is not enough of it. To simplify the situation, we’ve implemented and tested a parser that looks for missing dependencies. Owing to the parser, all existing dependencies between database objects are found.
    So users can be sure that dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server will be able to synchronize any object regardless of the number of objects it is referenced by, how they reference it, and the objects it references.
  • Describe queries optimization. After we implemented support for all scheduled objects, we’ve decided to study describe queries properly (these are queries sent to the server in order to obtain object information) and, if possible, optimize the speed of their execution in order to avoid performing extra actions and to do the necessary ones as quickly as possible. During the work, we have found many defects and errors, rewrote some queries or their parts that increased the describe productivity several times.
    So users can be sure that dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server does not perform any unnecessary actions and does not spend his or her precious time as well as server and desktop resources.
  • Load Testing (Performance Testing). After query optimization a goal to learn full capabilities of dbForge Schema Compare was set, and we decided to make load testing. To perform such testing we have created an application that could generate scripts of different objects in unlimited numbers according to the preset template. Due to the load testing we can claim that dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server can manage to synchronize large amounts of data.
    So users can be sure that dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server will cope with synchronizing large amounts of objects, comparing large backups, generating large synchronization scripts etc.
  • Autotesting. Because of the constant growth of the amount of data for testing and because of the growth of requirements for product quality we’ve decided to create autotests. To accomplish this task we’ve created a special application that integrates into dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server and performs preset actions automatically. For example, it creates specified databases, generates synchronization script, checks if the script was generated according to the model. For the time being there are approximately 4000 of such autotests, and their amount is constantly growing. These autotests are performed for each build.
    So users can be sure that every build of dbForge Schema Compare he or she downloaded became more reliable and stable.
  • Using users databases for testing. We have a set of databases sent by our users. Some users send us their own databases to help us reproduce a problem they encountered and fix the bug. We perform thorough application testing on users’ databases and make a new build with fixes of all bugs, if any were found.
    So users can be sure that, when synchronizing his or her database all bugs found in dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server will be fixed and the needed database will be synchronized successfully.
  • Usability testing. The convenience of dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server usage also means a lot to us. That’s why we discuss the ways of improving UI and its elements. We often use the experience of Microsoft, a member of Cambridge Usability Group that has its own laboratories for studying such problems and is an absolute leader in usability questions. The new interface is created according to the Microsoft recommendations – for example, arrangement of elements in wizards, dialogue windows, the structure of main and popup menu etc.
    So users need minimal time to learn how to work with dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server, and, of course, it looks very familiar to the Microsoft Visual Studio users.
  • Configuration testing. We’ve performed configuration testing on the operation systems of the Windows family (2000, XP, 2008 Server, Vista, 7) of different capacity (x32 and x64), and on different SQL Server versions (2000, 2005, 2008 including Express Edition). Also dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server was tested on different hardware – processors, monitors etc.
    So users can be sure of the reliability of the dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server work regardless of the kind of hardware, OS, its capacity and settings, server version and edition he or she is using. dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server also works with large fonts that is very important for disabled users.
  • Help. This is the only document where you can find descriptions of all options and settings. Full and comprehensive product description is guaranteed by thorough testing performed by our specialists. For example, to get help on any comparison or synchronization option, it’s enough to press F1 in the window it is situated in, and find it in the help window that was opened.
    So users can be sure that, owing to the full and comprehensive help system of dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server he or she will be able to find an answer to any question and learn the product functionality in the shortest period of time.
  • Support. We appreciate users’ wishes, because we are working for them. No user wishes or suggestions are ignored. In dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server v 2.0 all users’ wishes received since its first release were taken into account.
    So users can be sure that we appreciate and implement their wishes and are looking forward to receiving feedbacks to make dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server even better.


  1. Hi!

    I am a user of your superb SQL Squema Compare product.

    Today I have received an email alerting to the availability of a new version of this product (2.0.120). I have installed the new version, but I would like to know what is ‘new’ or ‘corrected’ in this version, but I could not locate a page in your site that shows this.

    Would you please inform me how to find this piece of information?


    Eduardo Quintana

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