Friday, March 28, 2025
HomeProductsADO.NET Data ProvidersEntity Framework Core 2.1.1 Support in Entity Developer and dotConnect Providers!

Entity Framework Core 2.1.1 Support in Entity Developer and dotConnect Providers!

Devart is glad to announce the release of the new versions of dotConnect ADO.NET data providers and Entity Developer – our visual designer for ORM models. New versions of Devart products offer you support for Entity Framework Core 2.1.1. Additionally, dotConnect for PostgreSQL now supports connections via SSH protocol.

Entity Framework Core 2.1.1 Support

New versions of dotConnect Providers now support the most recent Entity Framework Core version – 2.1.1. You can use such new Entity Framework Core features as lazy loading, query types, parameterized constructors, System.Transactions support, value conversions, etc.

Entity Developer allows you to design models for Entity Framework Core 2.1.1 and supports all the new features. You may define classes as query types, add parameters for class properties to a parameterized constructor, configure lazy loading for entire model or for separate navigation properties visually.

SSH Support in dotConnect for PostgreSQL

The new dotConnect for PostgreSQL version allows you to create connections via secure SSH protocol.

If you need another feature in our providers, LinqConnect, or Entity Developer visit our forum at UserVoice and vote for suggested features or suggest your own one.

List of Products with Entity Framework Core 2.1.1 Support

ADO.NET Providers for Databases

ADO.NET Providers for Cloud Applications




