Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeEventsIT NonStop 2015 - Kharkiv (Ukraine)

IT NonStop 2015 – Kharkiv (Ukraine)

The international IT conference IT NONSTOP was held in Kharkiv (Ukraine) on November 28, 2015 and gathered a lot of enthusiastic participants.

A speaker of the conference, Syrovatchenko Sergey (SQL Server DBA / DB Consultant from Devart) talked to the participants of the conference about the «Mortal sins in the development on SQL Server». Here is a brief of his report:

“When people start to deal with something new, they pass though thorny path of trial and error. In my report, I tried to give a list of “traps” I got in many times when I’d just started working with SQL Server. Typical errors relating to filtering values, implicit type conversion, and the proper use of indexes were briefly discussed…”

Awarding dbForge Studio license during the event was a pleasant bonus.

The speaker performing at IT NONSTOP conferenceThe audience at the international IT conferenceA close-up shot of the audience at IT NONSTOP conferenceIT-specialists taking part in the IT NonStop conference are making notes

The speaker, Syrovatchenko Sergey, is delivering information at the conferenceThe speaker and the projection screen that displays the SQL Server nuancesThe speaker presents a conference participant with a certificate for dbForge StudioThe treats for the participants of the international IT conference IT NONSTOP





