In the new version we made a lot of improvements and added a whole pack of new features in almost all dbForge Studio’s GUI tools. And the most remarkable thing about this release is that nearly all novelties were suggested by our users. So we hope they will enjoy working with the new version and feel that they have contributed a lot to make it as it is.

With the help of our users we could work on the product on the new level, and as a result of such successful tight cooperation its standard of quality grew. This new standard includes taking into account actual needs of people using our product and implementing their exact requirements except studying the market in general and implementing features that are theoretically demanded.
When you open the application to get acquainted with the new version, you will be surely stunned and pleasantly surprised by its new look. When you start using it, we hope you will be thrilled by the inner improvements and make the best use of them:
Dependencies List
First of all, test the usability of Dependencies List – a unique feature that will allow you to see the object’s references and dependants. No more need to spend precious minutes on looking all this up!
Full support for MySQL server 5.5
Master-Detail Data Browser
You are welcome to explore and analyze master-detail data in a browser with rich settings, and save your data and diagrams for future use.
Enhanced Data Editor
Foreign key lookup editor was added. Resources of client machines will be spared with server-side sorting and filtering. Data Editor now informs about its state. Capabilities to edit tables in join statements, to number records, copy data with header, and build graphical representation of data with a wizard are now available.
Improved Security Manager
Maintaining server security is one of the most responsible tasks. We did our best to make it easier by redesigning Security Manager. Now you can edit several users at once, group them by hosts, and grant definite sets of privileges with the help of virtual roles.
Data Export and Import improvements
Export data from several tables at once and save your time by exporting and importing data through the command line.
Object Viewer – a simple way to view object’s details
Object Viewer (formerly known as Summary Window) was totally redesigned to provide an easier way for analyzing objects and their structure.
Appearance improvements
Brand new start page for quick access to the most frequently used features and new skins for a better look.
Other improvements
Ability to view internal SQL queries that are sent to the server with parameter’s values added
Few UI improvements in Database Explorer were made
Options to ignore clauses during the comparison of events added to the Schema Comparison wizard
Highlighting of differences on comparing SQL profiling results added
More informative progress during Schema and Data comparison
Consumers can give the updated dbForge Studio for MySQL a test drive by downloading the free Express edition or the 30-day trial Professional edition at the product download page.
To leave feedback, users can go to the dbForge Studio for MySQL feedback page. The Devart team is looking forward to receiving any comments and suggestions.