Wednesday, October 23, 2024
HomeProductsSQL Server ToolsNew product: dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server!

New product: dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server!


Devart Company has launched a new product line for working with SQL Server databases. Recently we have released a beta version of the first product in this dbForge for SQL Server product line – dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server. It is a tool for data comparison and synchronization.

Product’s key features

Nowadays there is a wide variety of data comparison and synchronization tools. It takes time and efforts to make a reasonable choice. We have analyzed a number of such products and found that Data Compare for SQL Server stands out against competitors thanks to a number of key features.

In this article, I am going to tell what exactly distinguishes Data Compare for SQL Server from dozens of similar tools. The key features list of Data Compare for SQL Server includes the following:

  • Extended mapping
  • Performing in case of low disc space
  • Integrated SQL scripts execution and extended data management options
  • Capability to execute large SQL scripts

Extended mapping

Automatic mapping of tables or views, provided in Data Compare for SQL Server, automatically selects comparison keys for compared objects. For example, you want to map tables with different names. To do this, use Object Mapping option and select the required pair of tables. Data Compare for SQL Server will automatically select comparison keys. In case, comparison keys are different or do not exist, you will be able to select them manually.

There are many cases when automatic mapping can’t work. Databases constantly develop, change their structure and it often occurs that selected data types are not suitable for keeping the data any longer. For example, a column with smallmoney data type can’t keep new data, that’s why a new database uses a column with money data type. Such columns will be automatically mapped in Column Mapping window, which will show the detailed information about mapped columns, including warnings on possible errors. In addition, you can map columns with different names.

In most databases, tables are included into various schemas. This allows differentiating privileges. How can you compare such tables if only the schema has been changed? Of course, you can use Object Mapping option, but in this case, you have to map each table, which is a time-consuming task.

Data Compare for SQL Server has Schema Mapping option for such cases; it will map all tables with the same name from different schemas.

Performing in case of low disc space

We have given special attention to the large databases comparison problem. Usually, such comparison takes much free disc space of HDD of a local PC to create temporary files. As a result, the low disc space error often occurs. Data Compare for SQL Server allows you to exclude identical records from the comparison and shows different records when it is necessary.

Integrated SQL scripts execution and extended data management option

Using Data Compare for SQL Server you can execute instantly any of DML or DDL queries, for example, data selection from a table, without leaving the program. The convenient Data window will show the retrieved data and provide extended data management options.

Capability to execute large SQL scripts

Every data comparison and synchronization tool allows saving a synchronization script to a separate file. As the size of this script can exceed hundreds megabytes, it is rather complicated even to open it in some editor for execution. As the result, the low disc space error appears. Data Compare has solved such problems: you can execute scripts without referring to any editor. The synchronization wizard sends synchronization data to a server in small batches as the data is read from the script.

Beta Version Problems

Data Compare for SQL Server is not ideal yet. Beta version has performance problems while comparing large bulks of data. However, this will have been fixed by the release of the first product’s version.


We hope you will appreciate Data Compare for SQL Server. Download the beta version of the product and feel free to comment this post.

Also you can leave your feedback on Data Compare Feedback Page.




