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HomeProductsSQL Server ToolsMastering SQL PARTITION BY With dbForge Studio for SQL Server

Mastering SQL PARTITION BY With dbForge Studio for SQL Server

The role of data analysis and manipulation in SQL Server is hard to overestimate. By partitioning data effectively, you can handle large datasets and get accurate and relevant results for various analytical and operational tasks. This is when PARTITION BY proves invaluable. In this article, we are going to talk about the theoretical foundations and practical applications of this SQL argument with the help of a convenient IDE — dbForge Studio for SQL Server.


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Understanding the PARTITION BY clause

As we usually do in our articles, let us acquaint ourselves with the fundamentals of the PARTITION BY clause before we delve into its intricacies. For an even better understanding, we will also compare it with its counterpart, GROUP BY.


PARTITION BY is a clause in SQL used within window functions that perform calculations across a set of rows related to the current row:

SELECT expression, aggregate function ()
OVER (PARTITION BY expression ORDER BY column)
FROM tables
WHERE conditions;

Key points:

  • It does not reduce the number of rows returned. It calculates values for each row, considering only the rows within the partition.
  • It is used within window functions to perform calculations on partitions of data.
  • It can be used with various window functions, not just aggregate functions.


GROUP BY groups rows that have the same values. It is often used with aggregate functions (like SUM(), COUNT(), AVG(), etc.) to perform calculations on each group.

SELECT expression, aggregate function ()
FROM tables
WHERE conditions
GROUP BY expression;

Key points:

  • It reduces the number of rows returned by the query, collapsing multiple rows into summary rows.
  • It is used with aggregate functions to summarize data.
  • It requires an aggregate function to be applied to each group.

Key applications of PARTITION BY

Now that we have already discovered what PARTITION BY is, it is time we move on to cases when it is used:

  1. Enhancing data analysis with window functions: The clause divides the result set into partitions based on specified criteria, allowing window functions to operate independently within each partition. This way, you can perform advanced analytics and compute aggregated values, ranking, and other analytical tasks within distinct subsets of data.
  2. Calculating averages: You can useAVG() with PARTITION BY to calculate averages within distinct groups, such as average sales per region or average temperature per month.
  3. Calculating cumulative totals: You can combine SUM() with PARTITION BY to calculate cumulative totals within each partition, such as cumulative sales over time or cumulative distance traveled per vehicle.
  4. Ranking and percentiles: ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), and NTILE() functions combined with PARTITION BY help rank data within partitions or determine percentiles within specific groups.
  5. Time series analysis: PARTITION BY is useful for time series analysis, allowing for calculations such as moving averages, rolling sums, or identifying trends within distinct time intervals.
  6. Top-N analysis: PARTITION BY facilitates identifying top or bottom N records within each partition based on specified criteria, such as top-selling products by category.
  7. Data imputation and aggregation: The clause aids in imputing missing values based on partition-specific averages or aggregates, ensuring more accurate analysis and reporting.
  8. Data partitioning for performance optimization: Partitioning large datasets with PARTITION BY can improve query performance by limiting the scope of operations to smaller, manageable subsets of data.
  9. Analyzing hierarchical data: PARTITION BY assists in hierarchical data analysis by partitioning data at various levels, enabling analytics at each level without interference from other levels.

Try it yourself with dbForge Studio

Even though SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is the most popular and familiar tool that allows you to work with SQL Server databases, it is not the only one. Moreover, in the continuously evolving world of database development, administration, and management, new GUIs keep appearing like mushrooms after the rain. How do you choose the tool that is perfect for you in this variety?

Let us compare dbForge Studio for SQL Server with SSMS so that you can make an informed decision on which solution best aligns with your daily requirements:

Feature dbForge Studio for SQL Server SQL Server Management Studio
User-friendly interface Boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, providing a smooth user experience for both beginners and experienced developers. While powerful, SSMS can have a steeper learning curve, particularly for those new to SQL Server tasks.
Advanced functionality Offers a wide range of advanced features, including a visual query builder, data and schema comparison tools, and advanced SQL editing capabilities. Provides all the essentials but may lack some of the advanced features available in dbForge Studio.
Integrated tools Comes with integrated tools for schema and data comparison, enabling seamless data synchronization and database management out of the box. While offering basic tools, SSMS may require auxiliary add-ons to expand its functionality.
Data generation Provides a powerful data generation tool that enables the creation of realistic test data with customizable parameters, offering flexibility in data generation for specific tables and columns. Incorporates fundamental data generation features but may necessitate additional scripts or tools for advanced and specific data generation requirements.
Cross-platform support Supports Windows, macOS, and Linux, providing flexibility for users on different operating systems. Is primarily designed for Windows, limiting its accessibility for macOS users.

Take advantage of dbForge Studio for SQL Server by downloading a free fully-functional 30-day trial version and installing it on your computer. With a huge pack of advanced features and intuitive GUI, this all-in-one tool can maximize productivity and make SQL Server database development, administration, and management process efficient. The Studio can also be of use when it comes to today’s topic, from generating test data to performing advanced operations.

For a more visual comparison of the two solutions, watch the SSMS vs. dbForge Studio for SQL Server – Features Comparison video on the Devart YouTube channel.

Implementing PARTITION BY in SQL queries

In this section of this article, we are going to try our hand at actually implementing the PARTITION BY clause in an SQL query. We chose the AdventureWorks2022 database for demonstration purposes, namely, the SalesOrderDetail table. In practice, it will look somewhat like the following code:

 ,AVG(UnitPrice) OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID) AS AvgUnitPricePerProduct
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail;

In the syntax above:

  • We select the ProductID, OrderQty, and UnitPrice columns from the SalesOrderDetail table.
  • We use the AVG() window function along with PARTITION BY to calculate the average unit price for each product.
  • The PARTITION BY partitions the data by the ProductID column, so the average unit price is calculated separately for each product.
dbForge Studio for SQL Server - PARTITION BY in SQL queries

Deep dive

Having made our first steps in the practical aspect of the PARTITION BY usage, we are moving on to some more intricate examples: ranking functions. In SQL, they are used to assign a rank to each row within a partition of a result set based on specified criteria. Let us explore examples of ranking functions (ROW_NUMBER, RANK, and DENSE_RANK) used with the PARTITION BY clause.


The first exhibit is the ROW_NUMBER() function that assigns a unique sequential integer to each row within a partition, starting from 1 for the first row:

FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail;

The query above assigns a number to each row within each partition of ProductID, ordered by OrderQty in descending order.

dbForge Studio for SQL Server - PARTITION BY with ROW_NUMBER


The RANK() function is up next. It assigns a unique rank to each distinct row within a partition, with gaps in the ranking if there are ties:

FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail;

As you can see, the tied rows are assigned the same rank, but there are gaps in ranking for the next distinct value.

dbForge Studio for SQL Server - PARTITION BY with RANK


Unlike RANK(), DENSE_RANK does not leave any gaps in ranking.

FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail;
dbForge Studio for SQL Server - PARTITION BY with DENSE_RANK

Advanced techniques

Suppose we want to calculate the cumulative sales amount for each product over time. The SalesOrderDetail table is perfect for this as it contains information about sales orders, including the product IDs and sales amounts.

 ,SUM(LineTotal) OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID ORDER BY ModifiedDate) AS CumulativeSalesAmount
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail;

To fulfill our objective, select the ProductID, ModifiedDate, UnitPrice, and LineTotal columns from the said table. Then, use the SUM() window function along with PARTITION BY to calculate the cumulative sales amount for each product. And finally, add an ORDER BY clause just to sort the results by date.

dbForge Studio for SQL Server - Cumulative Sales

Maximizing PARTITION BY in data analysis

The powers of the PARTITION BY clause do not end here. In this section, we will explore how to benefit from it while doing advanced data analysis. Gain deeper insights into your data, perform more complex calculations, and uncover hidden patterns and trends for more informed decision-making and more effective strategic planning for your business.

1. Running totals: Track cumulative values over time within specific segments.

 ,SUM(TotalDue) OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerID ORDER BY OrderDate) AS RunningTotal
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
ORDER BY CustomerID, OrderDate;

Upon executing this query, you will calculate each customer’s total running sales amounts.

dbForge Studio for SQL Server - Running totals

2. Complex metrics calculation: Calculate complex metrics across partitions to get deeper insights.

 ,COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerID) AS OrderCount
 ,SUM(TotalDue) OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerID) AS TotalSpent
 ,AVG(TotalDue) OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerID) AS AvgSpentPerOrder
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
ORDER BY CustomerID, OrderDate;

The command above calculates the total number of orders, total amount spent, and average amount spent per order for each customer.

dbForge Studio for SQL Server - Complex metrics calculation

3. Cohort analysis: Track groups of users over time to identify trends.

WITH FirstPurchase
   ,MIN(OrderDate) AS FirstOrderDate
  FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
  GROUP BY CustomerID)
  YEAR(fp.FirstOrderDate) AS CohortYear
 ,YEAR(soh.OrderDate) AS OrderYear
 ,COUNT(soh.SalesOrderID) AS OrderCount
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
JOIN FirstPurchase fp
  ON soh.CustomerID = fp.CustomerID
GROUP BY YEAR(fp.FirstOrderDate)
ORDER BY CohortYear, OrderYear;

This query groups customers into cohorts based on the year of their first purchase and tracks their order counts over subsequent years.

dbForge Studio for SQL Server - Cohort analysis

Further learning


The PARTITION BY clause serves as a powerful tool in data analysis, allowing users to perform complex calculations and attain detailed insights across diverse datasets. Through hands-on examples and exploration using tools like dbForge Studio, you can gain a deeper understanding of its functionalities and potential. Moreover, dbForge Studio for SQL proves invaluable for tasks involving PARTITION BY, offering a user-friendly interface and robust features. Download its free 30-day trial version to experience its capabilities firsthand and enhance your data analysis skills even further!

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Nataly Smith
Nataly Smith
dbForge Team



