Wednesday, March 19, 2025


SecureBridge 10.7 Now Available: Stronger Security and Optimized Performance

We are excited to introduce a new version of SecureBridge 10.7 - a suite of client and server components for SSH, SFTP, FTPS, HTTP/HTTPS, SSL, WebSocket, and SignalR protocols - packed with enhanced security, optimized performance, and extended functionality for secure data transmission.

SecureBridge 10.6 With Support for RAD Studio 12.2 and Lazarus 3.4 Is Out!

We've been on a release spree recently, and it seems not to show any signs of stopping. This time, we've got some good news for the users of SecureBridge, our top-tier library of client and server components for SSH, SFTP, FTPS, HTTP/HTTPS, SSL, WebSocket, and SignalR protocols. Today, we have rolled out an update of SecureBridge with a few nifty enhancements.

Devart dbForge Product Line and SecureBridge Join the 2024 DBTA Readers’ Choice Awards Contest

The Devart team works non-stop to provide you with the best-in-class products, and we look forward to seeing them win this year. Check the list of our solutions and make sure to support them!

Release: SecureBridge Update – ver. 10.2

We are pleased to announce the release of the update for SecureBridge, version 10.2 - it includes official supports for multiple environments. SecureBridge is...

Devart Products Become the Winners of DBTA 2022 Readers’ Choice Awards

For the fourth year in a row, Devart solutions are voted winners of the Readers' Choice Awards by the Database Trends and Applications magazine,...

SecureBridge 10.1 Released

We are glad to announce the release of SecureBridge 10.1 with the support for macOS Monterey, Windows 11, RAD Studio 11.1 Alexandria, and Lazarus...

SecureBridge for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria

We are delighted to announce the availability of SecureBridge for the recently released RAD Studio 11 Alexandria. The new version of our product also...

Devart Products Become the Winners of DBTA’s 2021 Readers’ Choice Awards

We are delighted to announce that Devart products have been ranked #1 by the readers of the Database Trends and Applications magazine — one...

New in SecureBridge: RAD Studio 10.4.2 and TLS/SSL Server Component

We are glad to announce a new version of our security components for Delphi and C++ Builder with support for the latest versions of...

New in SecureBridge: Support for the SMTP/SMTPS Protocols

We are excited to announce the release of Devart SecureBridge with support for the SMTP and SMTPS protocols. A new component — TScSMTPClient ...

New in SecureBridge: Support for RAD Studio 10.4

We are excited to announce the release of Devart SecureBridge with support for the recently released RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney. Our suite of client and...

SSL Connection to MySQL From Delphi with UniDAC and SecureBridge

This article explains how to establish an SSL connection to MySQL from Delphi with UniDAC and SecureBridge. UniDAC has had MySQL SSL (using certificates) connection...

SecureBridge Now Supports Android 64-bit

Devart released a new version of SecureBridge with support for Android 64-bit development. SecureBridge is a set of Delphi components that implement clients...

RAD Studio 10.3, TLS 1.3 and WebSocket protocols in the new SecureBridge version

We are pleased to announce the release of the upgraded SecureBridge version. This product can be a perfect solution when it comes to data...

Devart presented SecureBridge at this year’s Coderage 2018 conference

Devart was glad to participate in the annual online conference for Delphi developers – CodeRage 2018 organized by the Embarcadero company and held on...

Useful components, FTP and FTPS protocols support, and much more in the upgraded SecureBridge!

Devart is proud to announce that it has released the new version of SecureBridge, a network security solution. SecureBridge now provides a possibility to...

