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HomeODBCHow to Install SQLite3 ODBC Driver

How to Install SQLite3 ODBC Driver

Need a reliable bridge between SQLite and any ODBC-compliant software, such as Excel, Power BI, or programming languages like Python and .NET, to execute SQL queries, retrieve data, and interact with SQLite databases? Devart ODBC driver for SQLite is a software interface that enables applications to interlink with SQLite databases using the universal ODBC standard. From this article, you’ll learn the main reasons why you should choose the ODBC driver over other connection types to integrate SQLite3 with other ODBC-compliant platforms. You will get to know the key steps of setting it up, configuring the connection and testing everything out. Keep reading to explore the workflow that will let you set up a direct connection that supports the Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface, its functions, and data types.

Table of contents

Why use ODBC driver with SQLite?

Among different integration options available for SQLite database engine, ODBC driver takes a special place, as it makes your database more accessible, versatile, and easier to integrate with various software systems, whether for reporting, analytics, or app development. It’s like giving your SQLite database the ability to speak a universal language. Here are some of the key benefits you might consider if you’ve still undecided whether you want to use ODBC drivers for connectivity in your project.

  • Standardized access. The driver enables database interaction across various platforms and programming languages by use of agreed ODBC standards.
  • Easy data source management. Users can define Data Source Names (DSNs) to specify SQLite database PATH locations and configuration settings for easy connectivity.
  • Versatility. The driver supports DML and DDL features like reading, writing, and updating data, making it suitable for integration with analytics, reporting, and ETL processes.
  • Cross-platform availability. ODBC divers can be used with multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Setting up Devart ODBC Driver for SQLite

Now that you know the main advantages ODBC drivers provide you with, let’s move on to the nuts and bolts of setting it up. Generally, SQLite ODBC Driver from Devart is easy to install and use, which makes its installation clear even for non-techies. Let’s walk through the installation process to ensure you’ve got it right.

The required software and drivers

To set up an ODBC connection with SQLite, ensure you have the following software, components, and privileges.

SQLite ODBC DriverDownload the Devart ODBC driver for SQLite and choose the appropriate version (32-bit or 64-bit) matching your system architecture.
SQLite Database FileEnsure you have the SQLite database file (*.db or *.sqlite) ready.If not, you can create one using SQLite tools or scripts. Note that in our example we will be using the CHINOOK sample database, but you are free to replace it with the one you’ve got.
ODBC Data Source AdministratorThis tool is pre-installed on most operating systems (e.g., Windows). It will let you configure DSNs (Data Source Names) for the SQLite or any other ODBC supported databases.
Supporting ApplicationsSSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) to access and query the SQLite database.*
Administrative PrivilegesYou have to obtain administrative rights to install the driver and configure the DSN.

* Note that SSMS is only one of 100+ source options you can connect to using the Devart ODBC drivers. 

A step-by-step guide to configuring SQLite with ODBC

Now that you have all the prerequisites, let’s install and configure the SQLite ODBC Driver. Follow the steps described below to make the connection work.

Step 1. Install the SQLite ODBC Driver

To enable communication between SQL Server and SQLite, you must install the SQLite ODBC driver.

  1. Download the driver from the Devart website. Select the appropriate version that matches your architecture and make sure it’s saved to your hadr drive.
  2. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions provided in the Installation Wizard. Change the default installation path as you wish.

In most cases, the default components work fine out-of-the-box, so you might want to optionally skip the Help and Manual.

  1. Click the Finish button to complete the installation.

Step 2. Configure an ODBC data source (DSN) for SQLite

To check if the Devart SQLite ODBC driver is working, let’s set up a linked server in SQL Server’s tool called SSMS. This will enable you to access the database and view the tables and rows to run queries or execute other Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations. 

In case you do not have any SQLite data, download the sample SQLite database with enough rows and tables to test the Devart SQLite ODBC driver connectivity.

Once you have downloaded the sample data, all you need to do to check the database is use the sqlite3 command line with the unzipped chinook.db file as shown below for Linux.

Now that the SQLite ODBC driver and a test database are in place, let’s set up a Data Source Name (DSN) to define the connection details.

  1. Open ODBC Data Source Administrator.
  1. Add a new DSN.

Upon a successful Devart ODBC SQLite driver installation, it will be listed under the Drivers tab as seen in the image above. 

3. Next, click on the System DSN tab and click Add as seen in the image below. Then, select Devart ODBC Driver for SQLite, which we have just installed.

4. In the General tab, enter a name for the DSN to ensure you can identify the DSN along with its purpose (e.g., DevArt-ODBC-SQLite) and provide the database connection details as shown below. 

Click on the ellipsis icon in the Database section to specify the PATH where you have previously unzipped the sample CHINOOK SQLite database.

Here, add the path to the target database in the Database field. 

5. Click the Test Connection button to check if the Devart ODBC for SQLite DSN connects to the CHINOOK SQLite database successfully. A window with a Connection Successful message will appear if all the settings are correct.

Step 3. Create a Linked Server in SQL Server Management Studio

Start the SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) from your Windows Start menu to configure the linked server and enable SQL Server to interact with SQLite.

Expand the Server Objects in the left pane. Then, right-click the Linked Servers, and proceed to New Linked Server menu.

In the New Linked Server dialogue window within the General tab, enter the following information.

Linked ServerEnter a name that clearly identifies the link (e.g., DEVART_ODBC_SQLite).
Server TypeChoose Other data source radio button.
ProviderSelect Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers.
Data SourceType the data source name we entered above (e.g., DevArt-ODBC-SQLite). Optionally, provide the Product name.

Next, in the same dialogue window, select the Security option and click the radio button Be made without using a security context. Here, credentials are not required as it’s a lite version for specific use cases.

Next, in the Server Options of the same New Linked Server dialogue, select the RPC and RPC Out as True, as seen in the image below, and save this configuration.

At this point, your configuration is set up. Let’s move on to the next step of testing and querying the SQLite database through SSMS.

Testing the SQLite Server connection

Testing the connection is an important step to ensure you can query the data to integrate it from the intended source. Keep reading to learn how you can test the connection out.

Verifying the Devart SQLite ODBC Connection

Let’s assume that all the settings were adjusted correctly. As a result, you can probably see the linked server object name we have just created in SSMS under Linked Servers, and the database object named CHINOOK can be expanded to show all its objects, including tables that were present with the SQLite sample database.

Now, let’s test the connection by running a query and checking if it works.

Query the SQLite database using SSMS

Let’s run a simple SELECT statement on the linked SQLite database CHINOOK to check if our linked access from SSMS is ready for normal database operations. Here’s the query syntax we’re going to run. 


Next, run another normal SQL query to select a few rows from the Genres table from the Devart ODBC SQLite CHINOOK database.


As you can see, the Genres table in the SQLite CHINOOK database is listed in an SSMS window that is mainly used to query Microsoft SQL Server databases by default. 

This means that you have successfully configured and verified an SQLite ODBC database connection in a native Microsoft SQL Server SSMS tool. Now, we can run SQL DML operations on SQLite using the linked objects. 

The most important feature here is that by default, SQLite comes without any encryption, as its objective is to be lightweight. However, since we are using the Devart SQLite ODBC driver, we have enabled the required encryption that was missing. 

Common troubleshooting tips

If you encounter issues while setting up database connections, try the following solutions and fixes.

Type of issueErrorSolution
Address authentication issues“Authentication failed for user….”Add a connect string while configuring the DSN. In the ODBC Data Source Administration window, click the ellipsis icon next to the Test Connection button and copy the connection string.
Paste this connect string as input to Provider String field in the New Linked Server configuration window in SSMS and retry.
SQLite ODBC database connection failed“ODBC database connection failed…”Confirm the DSN name matches the configuration in the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialogue window and verify that the chinook.db file has read-write access to the user configuring the DSN.


Using the Devart SQLite ODBC driver gives us the advantage of having the missing encryption that is unavailable by default with native SQLite databases. Hence, all transactions will now be encrypted, strengthening security while data is in transit between SQLite and SQL Server, as in our example.

Try Devart SQLite ODBC driver for free for 30 days and see for yourself how it can streamline the connectivity in your project architecture. 




