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Mastering IF THEN Logic in SQL Server

In the world of database management, having a firm grasp of T-SQL control-of-flow statements is a crucial skill. These statements allow developers to dynamically control the flow of program execution, making complex logic implementation possible. Among the powerful control-of-flow statements in SQL Server, the IF statement stands out as a fundamental tool. Exploring the advanced usage of IF-THEN statements and understanding how dbForge Studio SQL Server aids in handling these tasks will be the main focus of this article.


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Understanding T-SQL control-of-flow statement

First things first: let us start by defining the main focus of this article. We will be delving into SQL Server IF-THEN statements, which are an integral part of the T-SQL control-of-flow language. Its purpose is to control the sequential query execution in SQL Server with the help of certain keywords:

  • IF-THEN: Executes a block of code based on a specified condition. If the condition is true, the code inside the IF block is executed. Does not provide instructions on what to do if the condition is false.
  • IF-ELSE: Executes a block of code based on a specified condition. If the condition evaluates to true, the code inside the IF block is executed. Otherwise, the code inside the ELSE block is executed.
  • WHILE: Repeats a block of code as long as a specified condition is true. The code block is executed repeatedly until the condition evaluates to false.
  • CASE: Provides a way to perform conditional logic based on multiple conditions. It allows you to define different actions based on different conditions or values.
  • BEGIN...END: Defines a block of code that can be used with other control-of-flow statements to group multiple statements into a single logical unit.
  • GOTO: Transfers the control of execution to a labeled statement within the same script or stored procedure. It allows you to jump to a specific part of the code based on a certain condition or requirement.
  • TRY...CATCH: Implements error handling in T-SQL. The TRY block contains the code that might cause an error, and the CATCH block is executed if an error occurs, allowing you to handle the error and perform necessary actions.
  • BREAK: Exits the innermost loop or switch statement in which it is located. It is often used in conjunction with conditional statements to terminate a loop prematurely.
  • CONTINUE: Skips the current iteration of a loop and proceeds to the next iteration. It allows you to bypass certain codes within a loop based on specific conditions.

Overall, the control-of-flow statements allow developers to have more control over the query execution. They enable the implementation of conditional logic, looping, and branching, which are essential for designing complex and dynamic queries. Control-of-flow statements provide the ability to make decisions based on conditions, iterate over sets of data, handle errors, and control the flow of program execution. By utilizing these statements effectively, developers can write more sophisticated and flexible code that can adapt to different scenarios and requirements.

Understanding SQL Server IF statements

SQL Server IF statement provides a way to execute code blocks based on specific conditions. This control-of-flow statement allows you to handle different scenarios and make decisions within your SQL Server scripts or stored procedures. The basic syntax of the SQL Server IF statement is simple:

IF condition
        -- code block to execute if the condition is true

In the syntax above, the condition is an expression that evaluates to either true or false. If the condition evaluates to true, the code block within the BEGIN and END keywords will be executed.

Here is an example that demonstrates the usage of an SQL Server IF statement:

DECLARE @value INT = 10;

IF @value > 5
        PRINT 'The value is greater than 5.';

In this example, the variable @value is assigned a value of 10. The IF statement checks if it is greater than 5. Since the condition is true, the message ‘The value is greater than 5.’ is printed after the query is executed. In dbForge Studio for SQL Server, the result will be displayed in the Messages tab of the Error List:

SQL Server IF-THEN statements

As mentioned before, IF-THEN statements allow you to execute code blocks according to certain conditions. They provide a way to handle different scenarios and make decisions within your SQL Server scripts or stored procedures. Say we have a table called Product in the database of a bicycle-selling store. We will use the SQL Server IF statement to check whether there are items in stock that cost more than a certain threshold and display a custom message accordingly:

DECLARE @Threshold DECIMAL(10, 2) = 1000;

    SELECT *
    FROM Production.Product
    WHERE Price > @Threshold
    PRINT 'There are products with prices greater than $' + CAST(@Threshold AS VARCHAR);

This query will check if there are items in the table that cost more than $1000 and let you know by printing ‘There are products with prices greater than $1000’ if the condition is true:

In contrast, when the threshold is adjusted to $10000, the condition evaluates as false since there are no items in the table that are so expensive. This results in no specific action taking place upon executing the query:

To address the situation and obtain a response for both scenarios, where the condition holds true or false value, we will incorporate an IF-ELSE statement into our query:

IF condition
        -- code block to execute if the condition is true
        -- code block to execute if condition is false

As you can see, the basic syntax looks pretty much the same, except there is one additional BEGIN-END clause that will be executed in case the condition does not end up being true.

Now, getting back to our Product table: let us now execute a query with a deliberately false condition:

DECLARE @Threshold DECIMAL(10, 2) = 10000;

    SELECT *
    FROM Production.Product
    WHERE Price > @Threshold
    PRINT 'There are products with prices greater than $' + CAST(@Threshold AS VARCHAR);
    PRINT 'No products with prices greater than $' + CAST(@Threshold AS VARCHAR);

As a result, SQL Server has no problem notifying us in both cases: when the specified condition is true and when it is false.

IIF function in SQL Server

The IIF function in SQL Server is a handy tool that simplifies conditional queries. It provides a concise way to express IF-THEN-ELSE logic in a single function call instead of writing separate statements. To widen our knowledge, let us explore the IIF function, its syntax, and how it simplifies conditional expressions:

IIF(condition, true_value, false_value);

In the syntax above, the condition is the expression to be evaluated. If the condition happens to be true, the true_value is returned; otherwise, the false_value.

The primary difference between IF and IIF in SQL lies in their usage and syntax. The IF statement is used for control flow in procedural code and requires separate blocks of code for each condition. On the other hand, the IIF function is used within SQL expressions and returns a value directly based on the condition.

Examples of IIF Function

Now, we will illustrate the usage of the IIF function:

1. Return Yes or No based on a condition:

  IIF(Qty > 0, 'Yes', 'No') AS in_stock
FROM Production.Stock;

With this query, we can determine the availability of a specific item in stock. It checks the quantity (Qty) for each product, and if the quantity is greater than 0, it assigns the value Yes to the in_stock column. On the contrary, if the quantity is 0, the same column gets the No value. The query provides a result set showing the ID of the product and the corresponding availability status in the table:

2. Calculate discounted price based on a condition:

  Price,IIF(Discount > 0, Price - Discount, Price) AS discounted_price
FROM Production.Product;

The query generates a result set that includes the product name, original price, and the discounted price (if applicable) for each product in the Product table:

This logic calculates a computed column named discounted_price using the IIF function. It checks if the discount value for each product is greater than 0 and subtracts it from the full price to determine the discounted one. However, if there is no discount, the original price is returned.

The IIF function provides a concise and readable way to handle conditional expressions in SQL Server. It simplifies IF-THEN logic by condensing it into a single function call, enhancing the efficiency and readability of your queries.

Advanced usage of IF-THEN

Now that we have already made ourselves familiar with the fundamentals, it is time to move on to something a bit more complex. Here are some advanced examples showcasing the usage of IF-THEN statements in SQL Server, along with common pitfalls to avoid and best practices to follow.

Example 1: Nested IF-THEN Statements

You can nest IF-THEN statements to handle multiple conditions and execute specific code blocks accordingly. This allows you to create intricate logic structures. However, it is important to ensure proper indentation and readability to maintain code clarity.

    FROM Sales.Orders
    WHERE TotalAmount > 1000)
  -- Outer IF-THEN block
  PRINT 'High-value orders found.';

      FROM Sales.Orders
      WHERE TotalAmount > 5000)
    -- Inner IF-THEN block
    PRINT 'There are orders with a total amount exceeding $5000.';
    -- Inner IF-THEN alternative block
    PRINT 'No orders with a total amount exceeding $5000 found.';
  -- Outer IF-THEN alternative block
  PRINT 'No high-value orders found.';

In this example, we have an outer IF-THEN block that checks if there are any orders in the Orders table with TotalAmount greater than 1000. If such orders exist, the statement inside the outer IF-THEN block will be executed, printing High-value orders found.

Within the outer IF-THEN block, there is a nested IF-THEN block that checks if there are any orders with TotalAmount exceeding 5000. If there are, the statement inside the inner IF-THEN block will be executed, and you will see the following message: There are orders with a total amount exceeding $5000. If no orders exceed that amount, this message will be printed instead: No orders with a total amount exceeding $5000 found.

Finally, if there are no orders with TotalAmount greater than 1000, the statement inside the outer IF-THEN alternative block will be executed, printing No high-value orders found.

Example 2: Using IF-THEN with Transactions

Another example of advanced IF-THEN usage is combining it with transactions to control the flow of data modifications and ensure data integrity. Keep in mind that in this case, you have to properly handle transaction rollback in case of failures in order to maintain database consistency:


DECLARE @TotalAmount DECIMAL(10, 2);
DECLARE @PaymentStatus VARCHAR(20);

-- Check the TotalAmount and update the PaymentStatus accordingly
IF @TotalAmount > 1000
  -- Code block for high-value orders
  SET @PaymentStatus = 'Pending';
  -- Code block for orders below the high-value threshold
  SET @PaymentStatus = 'Approved';

-- Update the PaymentStatus in the table
UPDATE BicycleStoreDemo.Sales.Orders
SET PaymentStatus = @PaymentStatus
WHERE OrderId = @OrderId;

-- Commit the transaction

-- Print a message based on the PaymentStatus
IF @PaymentStatus = 'Pending'
  PRINT 'Payment for the high-value order has been set to Pending.';
  PRINT 'Payment for the order has been successfully processed.';

This script represents a transaction involving a payment process for the Orders table. The IF-THEN statement is used to check the TotalAmount value. If it is greater than 1000, the script sets the PaymentStatus variable to Pending. Otherwise, for orders below the high-value threshold, it sets the PaymentStatus to Approved.

After determining the PaymentStatus, the script updates the Orders table with the corresponding status for the given OrderId.

Then, the script commits the transaction, ensuring that all the changes made within the transaction are permanently applied. It then prints a message based on payment status, confirming it for the order.

Common pitfalls and best practices

By following the best practices and understanding the advanced capabilities of IF-THEN statements, you can effectively implement complex logic within your SQL Server queries and procedures while maintaining code clarity and data integrity:

  • Be mindful of the logical order of conditions in nested IF-THEN statements to ensure the correct execution flow.
  • Avoid excessive nesting and complex logic structures, as they can make code harder to understand and maintain.
  • Use proper indentation, formatting, and comments to enhance code readability.
  • Always consider error handling and transaction management when using IF-THEN statements in data modification operations.
  • Regularly review and refactor your code to eliminate unnecessary IF-THEN statements and optimize performance.
  • Test your IF-THEN statements with different scenarios and edge cases to ensure accurate and expected results.


To sum up, understanding T-SQL control-of-flow statements, specifically SQL Server IF-THEN statements, along with related common pitfalls and best practices, is crucial for effective database management. To experience the power of IF-THEN statements and explore further features, download a 30-day free trial version of dbForge Studio for SQL Server. This powerful tool provides a user-friendly interface to test and optimize your SQL code, enabling you to harness the potential of control-of-flow statements and more.

If you have been looking for a comprehensive guide on the MySQL IF statement, you will be delighted to find it on our blog.

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Nataly Smith
Nataly Smith
dbForge Team



