Saturday, March 1, 2025

g2 awards

Champs Recap: Devart’s Award-Winning Products in Q1 2024

Last season was quite fruitful in terms of awards scored by our products on independent review platforms. And today, we've got a lot more of those to share. Without further ado, let's get started!

Champs Recap: Devart’s Award-Winning Products in Q4 2023

The end of the year isn't all that far away, and it's time to tell you about the latest awards garnered by dbForge database tools. This time we'll be mostly talking about the badges that we've recently scored on G2, one of the world's top platforms where you can both find and review business software.

Champs Recap: Devart’s Award-Winning Products in Q2-Q3 2023

As September is slowly but steadily coming to a close, it's time to deliver a summary of our achievements on independent review platforms over Q2-Q3 2023. Our previous recap was rather rich with awards, and this time we hope you won't be disappointed either.

Champs Recap: Award-Winning dbForge Database Solutions in Q1 2023

Now that Q1 2023 is over, it's time to deliver our traditional champs recap and showcase the awards and badges garnered by dbForge solutions on independent review platforms over this period.

Champs Recap: Award-Winning dbForge Products in Q2-Q4 2022

Following our previous recap that covered the awards garnered by dbForge products in Q1 2022, and a compelling selection of DBTA 2022 Readers' Choice...

Champs Recap: Devart’s Award-Winning Products in Q1 2022

It's time for a brief recap that covers all the badges that dbForge products for MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL were awarded in Q1 2022—all...

dbForge Tools for SQL Server Scored Three More G2 Badges

We've got yet another achievement to tell you about! dbForge SQL Complete and dbForge Studio for SQL Server have been awarded the High Performer...

Another Badge on the Wall: Why G2 Users Love dbForge SQL Complete

More good news coming our way! dbForge SQL Complete, your favorite add-in for SSMS and Visual Studio—packing a punch with its SQL code completion,...

Another Day, Another Badge – dbForge Products for SQL Server Win G2 and SoftwareSuggest Awards

We are happy to announce that the dbForge product line has received multiple remarkable awards. dbForge Studio for SQL Server and SQL Complete have...

