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HomeEventsChamps Recap: Award-Winning dbForge Database Solutions in Q1 2023

Champs Recap: Award-Winning dbForge Database Solutions in Q1 2023

Now that Q1 2023 is over, it’s time to deliver our traditional champs recap and showcase the awards and badges garnered by dbForge solutions on independent review platforms over this period. Although the previous recap set the bar quite high, we believe our recent achievements will not pale in comparison. Without further ado, let’s get started!

dbForge Studio for MySQL

Ready for a big one? Undoubtedly, our today’s biggest champ in terms of the sheer quantity of accolades is dbForge Studio for MySQL, an IDE that makes the management of MySQL and MariaDB databases almost effortless—and now it has earned 14 new badges on G2, which is an incredibly pleasant gesture of recognition on behalf of our users.

And if that hasn’t been enough, the Studio has won the Most Affordable badge on SoftwareSuggest.

Although technically these aren’t badges, we’d love to show the impressive ratings of the Studio on Capterra (4.9/5), GetApp (5/5), and Software Advice (4.9/5). None of that would have been possible without our users. We love you, and we’ll keep doing our best to maintain the quality and convenience of our tools at an all-time high.

And if you don’t trust all those ratings, we gladly invite you to download dbForge Studio for MySQL for a free 30-day trial and get some firsthand experience with its performance and functional capabilities.

Download dbForge Studio for MySQL

dbForge Studio for SQL Server

Next comes dbForge Studio for SQL Server, our full-fledged IDE for the development and management of SQL Server databases, which now holds the rank of G2 High Performer. This badge is earned by software products with the highest customer satisfaction scores in their respective categories.

We’ve also got a badge called User most likely to Recommend Winter 2023 on SoftwareSuggest, another big review platform dedicated to business software with over 800 categories to choose from.

We’re happy that the users of dbForge Studio for SQL Server find it so valuable. But you don’t have to take anyone’s word for it. Just download the Studio for a free 30-day trial, give it a go, and see everything for yourself.

Download dbForge Studio - best IDE for SQL Server development

dbForge SQL Complete

The next product we’ll talk about is SQL Complete, a top-tier SSMS add-in that delivers advanced SQL code completion, formatting, refactoring, and debugging. It has scored the High Performer Spring 2023 badge on G2 and the User most likely to Recommended Winter 2023 badge on SoftwareSuggest. Additionally, SQL Complete has been included in Top 100 Bestselling Products of 2023 on ComponentSource. We’re just as proud of this achievement—and thankful to our users as well.

SQL Complete is available for a free 14-day trial, so feel free to download it and double your coding speed in no time.

Download SQL Complete - best add-in for SSMS and VS

dbForge Studio for Oracle

Now let’s move on to dbForge Studio for Oracle, which has scored 4 new badges on G2:

  • High Performer Winter 2023
  • Easiest To Do Business With Winter 2023
  • High Performer Spring 2023
  • Easiest To Do Business With Spring 2023

Another badge worth mentioning is Great User Experience, awarded by SoftwareSuggest. In fact, consistently smooth user experience is one of our priorities, and it applies to all dbForge products.

So if you frequently deal with the development and management of Oracle databases, you might as well find your perfect IDE in dbForge Studio. Simply download it for a free month-long trial and give it a go today!

Download dbForge Studio for Oracle

dbForge Studio for PostgreSQL

Last but not least comes dbForge Studio for PostgreSQL, which has seen a rather big update recently. Now this Studio has scored the Faster Growing Software Products badge on the already mentioned SoftwareSuggest.

It is also nice to see that the Studio also holds a consistent 5-star rating on Software Advice, yet another renowned platform focused on professional advice and personalized recommendations regarding business software.

Like in all previous cases, you are free to download the Studio for a free 30-day trial.

Download dbForge Studio for PostgreSQL

3 more Crozdesk awards for dbForge Studios and Data Compare for PostgreSQL

Now what about Crozdesk, another major product review platform that helps businesses discover optimal software for the most precise and demanding needs? Well, all of our Studios (accompanied by Data Compare for PostgreSQL) are no slouches here either, with the Trusted Vendor, Quality Choice, and Happiest Users awards—whose titles speak for themselves—all firmly in place.

Get our new multidatabase solution for a free trial today!

That’s it for today! If you haven’t joined the ranks of dbForge users yet, we’d love you to join in, because we’re sure you will find the right tools for your daily database-related tasks. And if these tasks cover more than one database system, we suggest you try dbForge Edge, a hefty bundle of four Studios with support for multiple databases and cloud services.

Valentine Winters
Valentine Winters
dbForge Team



