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Another Day, Another Badge – dbForge Products for SQL Server Win G2 and SoftwareSuggest Awards

We are happy to announce that the dbForge product line has received multiple remarkable awards. dbForge Studio for SQL Server and SQL Complete have won two badges each: both G2 and SoftwareSuggest users found these Devart products to be among the best of their kind. This is yet another proof that Devart is able to constantly evolve and adjust to the market demands.

dbForge Studio for SQL Server

Hardly had 2022 started when dbForge Studio for SQL Server harvested two prestigious awards:

1. G2 High Performer Winter 2022

G2 users consider dbForge Studio for SQL Server to be one of the most powerful and convenient IDEs for SQL Server management. According to them, the solution is rather straightforward and intuitive.

SQL developers and DBAs performing complex database tasks can use this GUI tool to speed up almost any of them, including designing databases, writing SQL code, comparing databases, synchronizing schemas and data, generating meaningful test data, and much more.

To read more reviews, feel free to visit the official G2 website.

2. SoftwareSuggest Best Meet Requirement Winter 2022

The SoftwareSuggest reviewers have rated dbForge Studio for SQL Server by Devart on a basis of four criteria:

  • Feature – 4.9/5
  • Ease of use – 4.9/5
  • Value for money – 4.9/5
  • Customer support – 4.9/5

Consequently, the overall score reached a high value of 4.9/5. For more information, please refer to SoftwareSuggest.

dbForge SQL Complete

dbForge SQL Complete has also been awarded by two trustworthy online platforms for Business Software discovery:

1. G2 High Performer Winter 2022

According to G2, dbForge SQL Complete is rated 4.5 out of 5 stars, and is used most often by Computer Software professionals. In their reviews, they mention that the everyday code-writing routine can be easily changed by this advanced add-in for Visual Studio and SSMS.

With SQL Complete, you will be able to enhance code accuracy and quality, as well as simplify the process of creating SQL queries. The add-in will take care of autocompleting your SQL queries so that you will be able to code faster, yet with a sharper focus.

Explore the reviews on dbForge SQL Complete on the G2 website.

2. SoftwareSuggest Best Result Winter 2022

Just like the previous product, dbForge SQL Complete has been rated according to these four criteria: Feature, Ease of use, Value for money, and Customer support. In this case, however, the scores are slightly different:

  • Feature – 4.7/5
  • Ease of use – 4.7/5
  • Value for money – 4.6/5
  • Customer support – 4.8/5

The evaluated overall score equals 4.9/5. To read the reviews and maybe even write your own, feel free to visit the SoftwareSuggest website.


Today, we are proud to see the results of our hard work. We are also very thankful to the loyal users that not only provide us with constructive feedback but also spread a good word about Devart among those who haven’t come across our products yet. To get a closer look at other products for SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL, do not hesitate to visit our website.




