Friday, March 28, 2025
HomeProductsADO.NET Data ProvidersEntity Framework Core 7 Support in Devart .NET Connectivity Solutions

Entity Framework Core 7 Support in Devart .NET Connectivity Solutions

Entity Developer now features full Entity Framework 7 compatibility for dotConnect for Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite, along with third-party providers for MS SQL Server (Microsoft.Data.SqlClient), and other databases. EF Core 7 version supports Table per Concrete type (TPC) inheritance, whereas other EF Core 7 features will be developed and implemented soon, taking into account features, the users requested the most.

dotConnect for Oracle, dotConnect for MySQL, dotConnect for PostgreSQL, dotConnect for SQLite: EF Core 7 is supported. It functions both on .NET 6 and .NET 7 as EF Core 6 does, thus apparently, it is currently impossible to include support for both of them in brackets of a single NuGet package. From now on, NuGet packages with EF Core support shall come in two versions that are different in the absence/presence of .7 indicator as a package revision number. The packages that have .7 in their revision number will have only EF Core 7 assemblies included, whereas the packages without .7 will have the assemblies for EF Core 1, EF Core 3, EF Core 5, and EF Core 6 for inheriting projects that, for some reason, remain running previous EF Core versions. Thus, we provide the EF Core 7 support for those users that prefer to use the most recent ORM version, whereas continuing support for the previous versions to ensure all our users have access to the newest bug fixes and functionality improvements.

How it works and looks like:

Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore for dotConnect for Oracle package: (NuGet for EF Core 7)
10.1.134 (NuGet for EF Core 1, EF Core 3, EF Core 5, EF Core 6) 

Devart.Data.MySql.EFCore for dotConnect for MySQL package: (NuGet for EF Core 7)
9.1.134 (NuGet for EF Core 1, EF Core 3, EF Core 5, EF Core 6) 

Devart.Data.PostgreSql.EFCore for dotConnect for PostgreSQL package: (NuGet for EF Core 7)
8.1.134 (NuGet for EF Core 1, EF Core 3, EF Core 5, EF Core 6) 

Devart.Data.SQLite.EFCore for dotConnect for SQLite package: (NuGet for EF Core 7)
6.1.134 (NuGet for EF Core 1, EF Core 3, EF Core 5, EF Core 6)

dotConnect for SQLite: implemented a built-in encryption support for Professional Edition. Now, the users of dotConnect for SQLite – Professional Edition will no longer require any third-party libraries for encryption. The following encryption algorithms are supported: AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, Blowfish, CAST-128, RC4, and Triple DES. 

Minor changes: Visual Studio 17.5 preview support has been added to all products; Salesforce Web Services API of 56.0 version is now supported in dotConnect for Salesforce; multiple bug fixes have been implemented.

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ADO.NET Providers for Databases

Max Remskyi
Max Remskyi
DAC Team



