Friday, March 14, 2025
HomeProductsMySQL ToolsReinvented dbForge Tools for MySQL Have Arrived!

Reinvented dbForge Tools for MySQL Have Arrived!

After a grand update of dbForge Studio for MySQL, we haven’t forgotten about the rest of the dbForge for MySQL product range. Our developers took maximum care of each and every MySQL tool and revamped them with specific new features and updates. All the tools have been enhanced with cutting-edge connectivity and compatibility options which means you can work with a greater number of databases and database engines. Also, we have implemented a new activation mechanism to ensure that our users can use our database tools with maximum security and reliability.

Connectivity and Compatibility

dbForge tools for MySQL support the most popular MySQL database servers and cloud services. With such cloud services as Google Cloud and Alibaba Cloud, high performance, reliability, and scalability are guaranteed. In particular, we implemented support for:

  • MariaDB 10.1
  • MariaDB 10.2
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Alibaba Cloud

The brand new compatibility and connectivity options

Trial Product Activation

We introduced a new mechanism that activates the dbForge tools for MySQL. So, as for now, the tools work on the trial basis for 30 days. When this time period expires, dbForge tools for MySQL must be activated with the purchased activation key. The new activation process protects you against potential piracy and provides you with the reassurance that you are using an authentic product that can be trusted with your business data.

The new activation mechanism for MySQL tools

New Look and Feel

We have also dramatically improved the visual style of our MySQL tools. Now they look as classy as never before. We try to follow and embrace the latest design trends and implemented flat design concept for all the tools. Oh, and all of the tools look just fabulous on high-DPI screens!

The fresh design trends implemented into dbForge for MySQL products

Other Improvements

  • Compliance with the Federal Information Processing Standard

For complete lists of new features and improvements for every tool, see the following History pages:




